Pyramid Fusion Co
AFAA certified since 1988
Flirty Girl Certified
Angel Therapy Practitioner® 2010
Certified Hypnotherapist
Hypnosis Motivation Institute
National Radio Host
Inspirational Speaker
Life Chroeographer® Extrordinaire
… and All Around Divine Do-er!

Holistic Life Coaching and Life Choreography®, Littleton CO
Lora Cheadle, Life Choreographer® Extraordinaire, coined the term Life Choreographer® because it perfectly describes everything she does as a Holistic Life Coach, Angel Therapy Practitioner®, Intuitive, Hypnotherapist and Fitness Trainer.
Life Choreography™ is the art of arranging a seemingly random series of actions and events into a unified, purposeful whole that has intention, integrity and form.
Lora helps her clients arrange all of the seemingly inconsistent, frustrating areas of their lives – whether spiritual, emotional or physical – into a joyful, cohesive dance that is scintillating in form and substance yet magically tailored to bring out each individual’s sparkle and light.
Holistic Life Coach, Hypnotherapy, Intuitive Angel Readings, Integrated Energy Therapy
Not sure what lights your fire, or simply not sure how to incorporate that fire into your real life? No matter what, Lora’s got you covered with our exclusive Life Choreography™ sessions! Whether it’s through an Angel Reading where your angels, guides, and deceased loved ones communicate divine guidance to you from the other side.
Lora is an ANGEL THERAPY PRACTITIONER®, certified and trained by Doreen Virtue, PhD and is a certified Intuitive by Bob Olson – through hypnosis or hypnotherapy, where the subconscious mind is brought on board with the conscious mind, through Integrated Energy Therapy®, or through physical fitness training, working with Lora reveals your divine path and get you chugging down the road in no time.
As a former lawyer – she knows firsthand the courage it takes to follow a new path – Lora is straight forward and process- oriented, using modalities that that yield results. No crystal balls or goddess robes here!

Spirit – Intuitive Reader – Colorado
Nationwide Intuitive Readings by Phone
Spirit is the glue binding the body, mind and soul together, infusing each one with power and purpose. Attaining spiritual enlightenment requires an ongoing dialog with the divine as we move through our lives.
While many of us pray, which is speaking to God, the angels, saints or ascended masters, very few of us ever stop and listen for the answers that are being whispered back to us. Whether through words, messages in songs, gut feelings or unusual coincidences, the divine is always there with us, hoping we will listen.
As with any conversation, an active listener typically receives the greatest insight and understanding. Angel Readings, intuitive readings and energy healing, intuitive or psychic readings, meditation, Integrated Energy Therapy®, cord cutting, chakra clearing, energy clearing, sound healing, sound therapy are all effective modalities at getting us to hear and understand our divine life purpose.

Mind – Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy, Littleton, CO
Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy
As our bodies are the external expression of ourselves, our minds are the internal expression of our being. Because our minds create our reality, we can change our reality by changing the way we think.
Changing the messages we give ourselves starts by recognizing and transforming self-defeating thoughts or beliefs. Through hypnosis, visualization or imagery, our minds become actively engaged in filtering out negative, non-beneficial messages and our body and spirit respond to our mental state and become attuned to the positive that is around us.
Through hypnosis Lora, a Certified Hypnotherapist in Littleton, CO, can gently open a window to your internal experience of self so you can begin to sort through which thoughts and beliefs are your own and which ones belong to others. It is from this point of clarity that you can determine what you truly want to create in your life and what you want to release.

Body – Boutique Fitness, Littleton, Colorado
Body Balance & Physical Fitness
The body is a vessel for the soul, our minds, thoughts, feelings and emotions. When our body is out of balance, our focus diverts to our physical maladies and we cease growing mentally or spiritually. Freeing our bodies to be powerfully alive and healthy provides our minds and souls with the freedom to learn and grow to their fullest potential through physical fitness classes, Yoga and personal training.
We all have bodies, and they are all gloriously different. The only thing we have in common is the fact that our bodies are what we use to interact with the world, and that our body is the only one we will ever have. As such, it pays to be on good terms with our bodies. Like driving a good car, we want bodies that feel good, are responsive, safe, reliable, and are suitable for our needs. Most of us want a body that looks good, and is in line with our sense of self as well.
Regardless of physical condition, personal training and group exercise develops and maintains a body that is muscularly balanced, with equal levels of strength, speed, agility and flexibility. This frees us to radiate physical energy, mental focus and spiritual attunement without distraction.
Holistic Life Coach, Hypnotherapy, Intuitive Angel Readings, Physical Fitness, Integrated Energy Therapy
“I’ve been a big fan of Lora’s Angel Readings ..”
I’ve been a big fan of Lora’s Angel Readings for about 4 years now. Lora’s intuition is consistently right on as she can read the energy around you with ease, always bringing comfort and clarity to any situation. The fact that she receives her messages from the Angelic realm has always been comforting to know as her ethics in delivering positive and helpful messages, is second to none.
What Lora relays to me is for my higher good and inevitably it calms any questions or fears I’ve had. I don’t trust just anyone but Lora has gained my confidence with her kind nature, immense knowledge of spirituality and energy, and of course, her spot on accuracy. I would highly recommend her to anyone looking for direction on any topic. Every time I speak with her, I get a blessing out of it. Thank you Lora for sharing your talents and gifts and making the world a happier place.
“One-of-a-kind Instructor”
Lora is truly a one-of-a-kind instructor. I’ve been her student for over 8 years, but I’ve been an exerciser for 30 years. I’ve never encountered anyone or any program like Lora and her approach. I continue to return to Lora for four reasons.
She has: (1)a love for educating her students in anatomy and safety; (2)a fresh routine for every workout; (3)a passion for fitness and a kind, unintimidating approach; and (4)a devotion to seeing her student try, then succeed, and finally excel, performing at unanticipated performance levels. You will indeed see improvements in your fitness, and you will actually enjoy doing so!
“She is so insightful..”
I have seen Lora several times, for hypnosis and readings and have been at one of her workshops as well. She is so insightful; she was able to give me guidance on a relationship and even on how to help my ailing dog. I love her knowledge about the brain and power of the subconscious mind, and how that can be harnessed. Her hypnosis sessions have been helpful for me to overcome some things, too; she knows what to say for my situation. It’s been so insightful working with her, and it’s great to be in her positive energy.
She truly wants to help others; I’m very thankful to have found her.
Contact Lora Cheadle C.Ht. - Certified Hyphotherapist
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