FLAUNT! Build Your Dreams and Live Your SPARKLE!

with Lora Cheadle, Life Choreographer's® Blog
Preventing Workplace Burnout by Revisiting the Basics of Success

Preventing Workplace Burnout by Revisiting the Basics of Success

In order to achieve excellence we need a strong foundation. Success requires us to go back to basics, strengthen our foundation and examine the strength of our building blocks. Not push ahead, take short cuts, cheat or do more than we’re ready for! Pause before taking the next leap and reexamine the strength of the basic skills necessary to excel.

Back to School Learning For the Rest of Our Lives

Back to School Learning For the Rest of Our Lives

When we think of school we tend to think of kids going back to school, whether it’s elementary, middle, high school or even college, the phrase. “Back to School” provokes images of backpacks, yellow school buses and red apples for teachers. Although I’ve never really...

Guest Post, by Erin Green – Hidden Strength

June 22, 2015. That is the day that I died, and a new me came to be. It was the first whole day of summer after the solstice, so I suppose it was only fitting for me to have a new beginning, but it wasn’t exactly my choice. However, it was a long time coming, and I...

Who’s Driving Your Life? True Power and the Fallacy of Force

Who’s Driving Your Life? True Power and the Fallacy of Force

We like to think of ourselves as being strong and capable, and for the most part, we are! But because we live in a world that makes us believe we can make, or force, things to happen, we lose touch with the fact that the only thing we can control is ourselves. No...

Overcoming Disaster in Four Steps

Overcoming Disaster in Four Steps

Sh*t happens. Frequently! And the reason the phrase, “When it rains, it pours” exists, is because when bad stuff happens, it seems to happen all at the same time. And it stinks! But don’t despair! Even when the train goes waaaaay off the tracks, even when you think...

To Those Who Did Not Say # MeToo

To Those Who Did Not Say # MeToo

Even if you did not say #metoo in your status, you have probably been sexually harassed or sexually assaulted. Did you downplay what happened to you because it was not full-blown rape? Did you realize it was assault? Have you inadvertently caused fear in another by your actions?

The Mind/Body Connection of How Emotions Affect the Body

The Mind/Body Connection of How Emotions Affect the Body

Our bodies and our minds are endlessly adaptable. There is quite literally an endless variety of adaptations that our bodies and our minds can make, allowing us to survive in even the harshest of mental or physical circumstances. Although this ability is useful in a...

Kicking Bad Habits by Dehypnotizing Yourself

Kicking Bad Habits by Dehypnotizing Yourself

Waking Up From Everyday Brainwashing Many people use hypnosis in order to overcome subconscious blocks and create positive change in their life. But sometimes, the faster, more efficient rout to change is learning how to becoming un-hypnotized, or dehypnotized in our...

New Year’s Resolutions with Heart, Soul and Hypnosis

New Year’s Resolutions with Heart, Soul and Hypnosis

Sadly, making New Year’s Resolutions has become a superficial endeavor. Every year, millions of people resolve to “get in shape and lose weight.” Gym memberships spike for one month, and by February, everyone is back to their same old patterns. Year after year this...

Predestination, Fate and God’s Will vs. Free-Will

Predestination, Fate and God’s Will vs. Free-Will

One of the questions asked by humans throughout time is whether we have free-will and are in control of our own destiny, or if our lives are predestined by some higher authority and we have no choice except to live out what’s been planned for us. Whether we call it...

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