Intuitive Therapist, Angel Therapy Practitioner®, Angel Readings, Colorado’s Psychic Counselor
“Man was so created by the Lord as to be able while living in the body to speak with spirits and angels, as in fact was done in the most ancient times; for, being a spirit clothed with a body, he is one with them.” - Emanuel SwedenborgThe Benefits of Angel or Intuitive Readings
Have you ever wished you could have a bit of insight or clarification from the Divine? An Intuitive Angel Reading is an interactive prayer, a dialogue with your angels and guides that provides insight, confirmation and direction.
So much of religion and spirituality focuses on the peace and glory of the afterlife; but let’s face it, right now we aren’t in the afterlife. Right now we are in a body and we are here on earth! Lora’s calling is to help you discover all of the wonderful, joyous, beautiful things about your life right now, no matter how hectic and out of control it may seem, by offering you a glimpse of your life with some divine perspective.
Even though our spiritual core is having a human experience, we can’t ignore the fact that we are spirit.
We are all intuitive; we are all connected to the universe and we all have a continuity to our souls that transcends our human experiences. Lora can bridge the gap between earth and spirit for you. Lora can help you feel more confident by confirming what you already know or helping you get in touch with your own divinity for the first time.
Frequently Asked Questions about the various types of Intuitive, Psychic or Angel Readings:
This section will help you understand the different types of readings so you can choose what’s right for you. If you have a question that is not addressed, feel free to email or call and Lora will answer it for you for free. She can also discuss which type of reading will be best for you. You can also have a general reading, where all types of energies are read.
Is there a difference between Angel Readings, Intuitive or Psychic Reading?
All readings read energy. The only difference is which energy is being read – the energy around a situation or the energy around the body. The energy closest to the body includes information about the body, moving out the energy may include the energy of deceased loved ones or pets, and the energy furthest out includes the angelic or spiritual realm. Angel readings focus on reading the energy in the angelic or spiritual realm, psychic readings focus on the energy of a situation, mediumship focuses on the energy of deceased loved ones, and intuitive readings is a catch-all term that encompasses any type of reading.
An Intuitive Angel Reading is a channeled session during which messages from your angels, the archangels, ascended masters and guides or deceased loved ones communicate loving guidance, insight and assistance to you. You may ask specific questions regarding any area of your life, such as career, love life, financial concerns, relationships, family, life path or health or you can simply ask for whatever message is most relevant and important for you to receive at this time.
What happens in an Angel Reading or Intuitive Reading?
Intuitive Angel Readings begin with a reading of your physical energy, where Lora communicates to you everything that she sees, hears, feels or senses in your energy field. Next, she reads your mental and emotional energies, providing insight about your thinking patterns and behaviors as well as information about any energetic traumas or attachments that have been stored in your energy field. From there she moves outward, tuning into the spiritual realm and providing you with messages from the universal divine, your angels, guides, the ascended masters or even your deceased loved ones.
Are Angel Readings accurate? What do Angel Readings tell you?
All readings read the energy that is present in that moment, as well as the energy surrounding events that have already taken place or are about to take place. Angels and guides inform us of the best possible course of action for our highest good but they never tell us what to do or how to do it. At all times we have free-will and we can choose whether or not to follow their advice.
Additionally, readings are for our own personal benefit. The angels provide us information about other people in regards to our interaction with them, but they do not “gossip” and provide information to us about others.
Who are the angels?
The angels are powerful divine beings who are with us throughout our life, whether we believe in them or not! They are non-denominational and do not care if we belong to or practice any certain religion. Angels are loving, non-judgmental beings who are available to assist us with all of our earthly concerns. Since they are not bound by earthly constraints such as time and distance, they can be with as many people who call upon them at a time and they can help with any issue no matter how small or how large. It is important to know that Angels can only intervene in our lives if we ask for their assistance. Since their mission is to assist and guide us, they do want us to ask!
What do I need to do for my Angel or Intuitive Reading?
Simply enter your reading with a pure heart and a loving intention to connect with your angels and guides. You may wish to prepare for a reading by writing down a list of questions or concerns and you might like take notes during your reading. Readings can also be recorded if you would like. Smart phones are ideal devices for recording your session! Taking notes or having your reading recorded is helpful so you can remember all that is said. Also, as you may not immediately understand the messages, having notes to refer back is very helpful. Your recording may only be used for private use and may not be published in any format without my express written permission.
How long do Angel Readings or Intuitive Readings take?
Readings can be as long or as short as you would like. If you have a specific question or would like a follow-up reading, a half hour is appropriate. Typically a full hour provides enough time to ask all of your questions.
Readings can be done in person, over the phone, by Skype, or even by email.
What do Intuitive Angel Readings cost?
Angel Readings and Intuitive Readings of any kind are $125 per hour. Payment must be made in advance or your appointment. If you are unable to attend your appointment, you must give 24 hours notice in order to receive a refund or to reschedule. If you are unable to give sufficient notice, no refund will be given.
Can Intuitive Angel Readings or psychic readings be done in a group?
Yes. Lora is happy to read for groups, events, parties, families or friends.